Huntingdon College Kingswood Initiative Undergraduate Sports Media and Marketing Program (SMMP)

Academic CoachDr. Sara Shoffner
OfficeCloverdale 107A
Office hoursM/W 9:30-11am; T/TR 9:30am-11:00am and 12:30pm-1:30pm

Team Information

Mission Statement

The Kingswood Initiative Undergraduate Sports Media and Marketing Program is designed to build participants’ portfolios through hands-on experience with marketing Huntingdon athletic teams. Sports Media and Marketing Team members will be engaged in live streaming sporting events, creating graphics, learning photography skills, developing knowledge of sports writing, and producing social media marketing strategies. Students who complete the program will be uniquely qualified to work in the field of sports media and marketing upon graduation.


Students with an interest in any academic major or program can benefit from participation in this team. Active interest in sports, athletics, video editing, graphic design, photography, and social media is beneficial for participation in this team. The Kingswood Initiative is open to incoming freshmen who are admitted without condition and carries a significant scholarship award.  Because of the time commitment necessary for this program, the Kingswood Initiative is reserved only for those who are not participating in intercollegiate athletics, Esports, the Presidential Scholars Program, band, dance, or cheer teams.

Team Description

Kingswood Initiative Sports Media and Marketing Program students provide support to all Huntingdon College athletic teams by promoting, streaming, and creating content for HC Athletics’ social media accounts. Students work closely with Department of Athletics staff and their Academic Coach to create content and manage the marketing and dissemination of information related to Huntingdon College Athletics. As a result, students will gain knowledge in the field of sports media and marketing through hands-on experience with various Huntingdon College sports teams.

Team Learning Outcomes and Benefits

Students in the Kingswood Initiative Sports Media and Marketing Program will demonstrate understanding of and the ability to apply the following skills:

  1. Effectively communicate orally, in writing, and interpersonally through social media posts, graphic design, and while working as a team during game day operations.
  2. Knowledge of marketing and promotional programs related to the athletics program.
  3. Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Creative Cloud, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and livestreaming using BoxCast.
  4. Assist in the development of marketing strategies for the Department of Athletics.
  5. Create graphics for the College’s sports programs.
  6. Utilize a variety of social media platforms to engage a wide range of internal and external constituents.
  7. Work with coaches on the promotion of teams’ social media pages.
  8. Oversee live streaming of Huntingdon athletics events.
  9. Develop and create a network with coaches, athletics staff, etc.
  10. Able to send emails following professional etiquette, have correct grammar and spelling on graphics, and communicate effectively with athletics staff.

Practitioner and Professional Benefits

Students in the Kingswood Initiative Sports Media and Marketing Program will work closely with their Academic Coach, Sports Information Director, Associate Athletic Director, and Athletic Director to assist with the content creation and management of the marketing and dissemination of information related to Huntingdon College Athletics. As a result, students will gain knowledge in the field of sports media and marketing through hands-on experience involving their participation and involvement with various Huntingdon College sports teams. Students graduating from this program and completing their requirements of this academic team will have related experience and qualifications to work in professional fields such as: sports communication, sports video coordinator, sports information, sports marketing, social media strategist, and many more related fields. Current job openings in professions where students may qualify upon graduation can be found

Yearly Goals and Evaluation

Freshman Year

  1. Responsible for the marketing and promotion of a Huntingdon College athletic team in each athletic season, which will be evaluated through assigned projects.
  2. Able to analyze and identify a social media strategy for your respective team.
  3. Become familiar with creating BoxCasts broadcasts for your respective team.
  4. Become familiar with creating and designing athletic-related graphics for pregame and postgame updates using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Creative Cloud.
  5. Improve upon oral and written communication skills by working with a group of students to complete assigned tasks.

Sophomore Year

  1. Responsible for the marketing and promotion of a Huntingdon College athletic team in each athletic season, which will be evaluated through assigned projects.
  2. Have complete responsibility for and knowledge of the creation of BoxCast pregame broadcasts for your respective team.
  3. Have complete knowledge of and the ability to create and design athletic-related graphics for pregame and postgame updates using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Creative Cloud.
  4. Be able to analyze, identify, and evaluate social media strategies for your respective teams in each season.
  5. Develop a stronger sense of oral and written communication by working with a group of students to complete assigned tasks.

Junior Year

  1. Work with students in the program to analyze and develop social media strategies for respective teams and oversee the social media strategies for all teams in each season.
  2. Have complete knowledge of and the ability to train other students in the program on the creation and design of athletic-related graphics for pregame and postgame updates using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Creative Cloud.
  3. Have complete knowledge of and the ability to create and design athletic-related graphics for pregame and postgame updates using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Creative Cloud.
  4. Be able to analyze, identify, evaluate, and implement changes to your social media strategies for respective teams in each season.
  5. Assist in the leadership and training of other students in areas of sports media and marketing.

Senior Year

  1. Work with students in the program to analyze and develop social media strategies for respective teams and oversee the social media strategies for all teams in each season.
  2. Have complete knowledge of and the ability to train other students on the creation and design of athletic-related graphics for pregame and postgame updates using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Creative Cloud.
  3. Be able to analyze the social media strategy as it relates to the athletics department for all teams and identify areas of improvement through a SWOT analysis.
  4. Develop a professional level of oral and written communication and the ability to give a social media presentation to athletics personnel that encompasses social media strategies and improvements made over four years, as well as outcomes.
  5. Assist in the leadership and training of other students in areas of sports media and marketing.
  6. Present a Capstone project to all students in the program, specific athletic personnel, and specific academic administration members their completed portfolio of work related to the program.

Team Code of Conduct During Game Day Operations


As a member of the Sports Media and Marketing team, students will assist in game day operations related to social media and live stream. The Sports Media and Marketing team is responsible for the promotion of the Huntingdon athletic department through various media outlets during game day. Students should expect to work sporting events for their respective teams. Due to athletic schedules, this will include evenings and weekends when home games are scheduled. Huntingdon game day operations are the responsibility of the Associate Athletic Director for Operations and are designed to oversee and execute the full spectrum of event management to ensure the integrity of the game itself and to provide an inviting atmosphere for those who spectate and participate. The Huntingdon Composite Athletic Schedule can be found at Students should be aware of and adhere to the following game day operations procedures.

Foundations of Game Day Operations:

  • Coverage: Priority number one for every home event is to have each operational aspect of the event covered by someone with knowledge of the task at hand. This includes: scoreboard operator, pa announcer, livestream, etc. Students should arrive to the game 1 hour before the start time unless otherwise stated.
  • Timelines: A pre-game timeline is provided to each visiting team, the officials, and the home team. A pre-game timeline details each activity prior to the start of the game and exactly what time the activity will take place to ensure that each game begins on time.  For example, this allows visitors to see when we announce the starting lineup and when the national anthem will be played, or if we have a pre-game recognition on hand, so the visitors can prepare properly.  For each home event a timeline is posted in the visiting locker room or dugout.
  • Professionalism: Neutrality is stressed to our game day staff. The staff is mainly positioned in a press-box or at a scorer’s table. These are non-cheering areas, where the integrity of the game along with the job itself is the primary focus. Cheering, yelling, or clapping are not allowed while on the job. Students operating the livestream should not talk during the event. Students should dress business casual and remember that they are a representation of the Department of Athletics. What they do and say reflects on the staff and department and they should always conduct themselves in a professional manner.
  • Crowd Safety: Our sportsmanship statement is read just before our welcome, and before every game. It’s a reminder to everyone in attendance of the principles we expect to be upheld at each venue. Protocol for dealing with an unruly spectator is that the designated game day manager makes first contact with the potential violator(s) of misconduct with a warning, and the second contact is made by campus security with removal of the subject(s). Weather warnings – in the event of sudden inclement weather, notification and shelter instructions are always provided.

Assessment and Outcomes Overview

AssessmentTeam Learning Outcomes Met
Weekly Evaluations1-10
Social Media Analysis Project1-10
Marketing Plan Project1-10
Graphic Design Portfolio5
Live Stream Sporting Events/Broadcasts8

Weekly Evaluations

Students will meet with their Academic Coach weekly to ensure that assignments are completed in a timely manner, hour requirements are met, and expectations are met according to the weekly schedule and assignments.

Social Media Analysis Report

Using a spreadsheet provided by the Academic Coach, students will analyze each athletic team and document numbers of followers, numbers of posts, frequency of posts, and type of social media accounts being used. The social media analysis will be completed at the beginning and end of each season.

Marketing Plan Project and Portfolio

Based on the findings from the social media analysis project, Students will develop and implement a marketing plan for their assigned team. Students will work with coaches of their assigned team to determine types of social media accounts and posts that would best benefit the promotion of the team. Also, students will use a SWOT analysis to analyze current strengths of the marketing plan, weaknesses found in the analysis, opportunities to improve the marketability of the team, as well as threats that may exist. Students will also have a portfolio of their yearly work that will include their marketing plan and strategic initiatives related to their respective teams.

Graphic Design Portfolio

Each week students will be responsible for creating electronic game day flyers that will be used for the promotion and marketing of weekly games. Students will have a portfolio of electronic flyers for their yearly work. Also, students will learn to use programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Creative Cloud to create their respective flyers.

Live Stream Sporting Events and Broadcasts

Students will be responsible for the live stream of home games for Huntingdon sports events. Students will also be responsible for creating BoxCast broadcasts for their respective sports before each game. Students will also be responsible for creating graphics for the broadcasts. They will create graphics for weather delays, next games, social media handles for athletics teams, and upcoming events on campus, as a few examples.

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